Trademark searches are meant to ensure your phrase isn’t already registered by another individual or brand. Utilizing a trademark attorney can result in a more in-depth examination that finds potential conflicting trademarks. If you do interstate commerce, you should apply for a federal trademark with the USPTO. We made it so easy and affordable to register a copyright. To gain exclusive rights to use your trademark in your state. $49. 7 min read. These documents cost different amounts to file based on the number of classes in your registration. You may also be able to sue them. The USPTO’s Trademark Information Network provides a wealth of information for those who want to attempt the registration process on their own. In addition, some illegitimate online services contact trademark owners after the registration process is complete. Many legal websites can help with filing trademark applications. Much like the availability of a corporate name in a given state does not necessarily provide superior trademark rights to use the name in commerce, the availability of the domain name is not an indication either. For example, every ten years you must submit a declaration of use and/or excusable nonuse and an application for renewal. $450. A trademark is “in use” when it has been placed on the goods, containers of the goods, or point-of-sale displays of the goods, and the goods have been sold, displayed for sale, or otherwise publicly distributed in … You must file maintenance documents – which include additional fees – throughout the life of its use. Trademarking a name with the U. What Does It Mean to Trademark a Phrase? The cost to file an application to register a trademark or service mark in North Carolina is $75. A search prior to submitting your application is not required, but not doing a search can be very costly and damaging to your business. A trademark differs from both a patent and a copyright. Applications once required that a slogan or phrase already be used in commerce prior to filing a trademark application. In fact, plaintiffs file more than 4,000 trademark lawsuits each year. The longer it takes to file an application, the more you can expect it to cost. Decide to file directly, through a legal website, or with the assistance of an attorney. They know to search beyond the USPTO database. Trademark Use in Commerce Knowing how to trademark a slogan means nothing if the slogan isn’t used in commerce. 1. . 2. Review the Current Fee Schedule: The USPTO occasionally updates its standard fee schedule. Patents apply to inventions and designs. A trademark serves as "constructive notice" of your ownership. This fee is contingent upon the type of registration you submit through the system. If you hire a trademark attorney to conduct the trademark search for you and provide you with a written legal opinion, you can expect to pay anywhere from Hiring a trademark attorney is another aspect of the registration process that’s not technically required.  If you’ve opted to trademark a phrase on your own, the likelihood of trademark infringement and receiving an Office Action is much higher, which is why we recommend that you utilize a trademark attorney. For example, the slogan “The Fres… The fee to trademark a phrase starts at $275. Some attorneys specialize in trademark application and enforcement. If the renewal is requested within six months after the expiry date. Trademark Monitoring. If you don’t use your phrase or slogan within six months, you can request an extension for $125 per class. $400. Legal Fees . Step 3: Trademark Goods and Classes. If you need an attorney's assistance the cost to trademark a phrase averages between $1,000 - $2,000. It generally takes one to three years to complete the application and registration process. $350 per class of goods/services. Get Started Now. $450. If you’ve engaged in bona fide use of this trademark, there are no additional USPTO filing fee costs. Include the following materials in your application: 5. Step Two: Submit The Application Applications are available electronically at This will be viewed as trademark infringement and could land your company in court. Get Started Now. Copyrights apply to original works of art or authorship. Prices paid and comments from CostHelper's team of professional journalists and community of users. The fee to trademark a phrase starts at $275. We make it easy to copyright a name, logo or phrase. This price is determined by submission type, trademark searches, preparation fees and attorney fees. Home » How Much Does it Cost to Trademark a Phrase, How Much Does it Cost to Trademark a Phrase is part of our Trademark Cost series.Â. 3. Want High Quality, Transparent, and Affordable Legal Services? Know when it is time to take action to protect your mark from infringement. Use Your Trademark: Until your trademark is official, you can only use the TM or SM symbols. Between nine and ten years following registration, you’ll need to submit a Section 9 renewal in addition to your required Section 8. Source: How Much Does a Trademark Cost? 1 Year of Trademark Monitoring service to notify you of possible infringers. Therefore, if you have two … 1. Say you want to protect your trademark around the world. Applicants must attest to the fact that they have a bona fide intent to use their phrase or slogan in commerce rather than simply “squatting” on the trademark. Trademark Searches: All trademark searches include a review of all the marks found, a summary of the search, and a legal opinion. 4. We make it easy to copyright a name, logo or phrase. A slogan or tagline is usually a catchy and memorable phrase used in advertising. Once registered, file it with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency. It's generally found on advertising for related services. It costs $275 to $325, plus attorney fees, to trademark a phrase. Where you are in your trademark journey will dictate the fees you’re responsible for. These are considered scams since the USPTO already publishes official trademark notices in its register. They average 14 years of legal experience. This fee usually includes the USPTO filing fee. This includes work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb. $100 for each month, or part of a month, after the expiry date. To register a trademark, the cost of U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) fees are between $225 and $600, while attorney fees add $500 to $2,000 more. If you submit the wrong TEAS application, an additional fee will become due. Option 2: TEAS Standard. Apply for state trademark protection. A trademark design might cost anywhere from $500 to several thousand dollars. The following fees apply no matter your original filing level: Advantages of Filing Directly With the USPTO, Disadvantages of Filing Directly With the USPTO. This attests to the fact that you’re either still using your mark commercially or have an acceptable reason for not doing so. The fee for a single-class Statement of Use extension request, for instance, is the same regardless of your situation. The website of the USPTO does point out, however, that trademark searches undertaken by attorneys are more comprehensive than basic searches. Statement of Use Fee. If you file your trademark application before using it, you need to file a declaration later … And there are countless other companies, brands, and entrepreneurs that profit from trademarks. However, you can't usually trademark social media usernames. Trademark owners can attempt to clear a trademark themselves via the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS), and this will add nothing to the cost of trademarking a phrase.  In a worst-case scenario, however, it could alert another trademark owner that you’ve been using their registered trademark. Decide How to File: Weigh the options. $100 for each month, or part of a month, after the expiry date. A trademark costs from $225 to $400 to register. Trade mark renewal - single class. Was this document helpful? This database includes all registered trademarks. Disclaimer: The information on this website is for general information purposes only. They can increase your chance of a successful application. The importance of a trademark search cannot be overstated, but any of the aforementioned issues can make all your efforts in vain. The requirements for each TEAS submission are below: These fees apply if you’re trademarking a phrase under a single class. Advantages of Filing Through a Legal Website, Disadvantages of Filing Through a Legal Website. The cost to trademark a phrase at our firm is a flat $650, and we’ll work to ensure your government registration fees are as low as possible. How Much Does it Cost to Trademark a Business Name?. Trademark attorneys perform extensive trademark searches. It's an important part of many company's marketing and promotional efforts. Simple phrases such as “Just Do It” and “Where’s the Beef” have become synonymous with brands. Trade mark renewal - additional class. A trademark is a "brand name" for your business, containing a short phrase and usually a logo that sets your company apart from others. The most thorough applications – which are typically what trademark attorneys will submit – cost $250. This doesn't automatically prevent third parties from using your trademark, though. They offer assessments of the strength of trademark applications. Our fee for a trademark search is $300 and our fee for a trademark application is $650 which includes our time for basic follow up through registration. No, a USPTO trademark offers protection in the U.S. only. You’ll need to file renewals and pay the fees every ten years after this point. The USPTO often registers trademarks within one year. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. It costs $275-$375 (paper submissions cost more than online) to file an application for a single trademark for a single class of goods or services with the USPTO. Over half of trademark applications receive an initial rejection every year. Some of these professionals charge by the hour while others offer flat rate fees. Fill in the paper forms if you want to apply by post. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law. You receive a full year for free when choosing our Deluxe package. The average cost for this is $500 per year. F( C + E )Total cost to apply. They can look for common law trademarks. It must be distinctive and directly related to your business, products, or services. The cost of a trademark attorney can vary dependent on a variety of factors. If you need an attorney's assistance the cost to trademark a phrase averages between $1,000 - $2,000. If you trademark a phrase for three classes, you will pay nearly $1,000 in fees. This has a filing fee of $525 per class of goods or services. + government fee. Registering under additional classes will result in extra per class costs. The first USPTO filing fee costs you’ll encounter are related to your application submission in the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS). If you need help with registering a trademark, you can post your question or concern on UpCounsel's marketplace. Register your business with your Secretary of State. 3. Once your trademark is official, you can use the ® symbol to notify others of your trademark status. They can also find companies that have used trademarks without official registration. 4. The normal price for our monitoring service is $175. Nothing on this site should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. Anyone pursuing a trademark can file an application with the USPTO directly. While registering for multiple trademark classes can become costly, this is the only true way to fully protect your trademark from any misuse. This can help you discover instances of trademark infringement quickly. They offer to publish notice of the trademark for a high fee. The average cost for this service is $500, with the USPTO filing fee included. This is usually due to incomplete applications and improper filing. Find The Phrase You Want To Trademark: Step One: You will need to run this phrase or slogan through the database available at (U.S Patent and Trademark Office) to ensure it isn't similar to an existing phrase or slogan. The average amount of time it actually takes to fully complete a trademark filing. It can be used to advertise a business brand or a particular product or campaign of a business. Regardless of your specific circumstances, though, price should never be the only deciding factor. 7 min read. Thoroughness in your application can minimize some of these costs, but others are simply unavoidable. A trademark is a word, phrase or symbol that identifies a business or products, and is used to make it easy for consumers to determine the source. Receipt of this notice begins a six-month timeframe in which evidence of use must be submitted via a Statement of Use. $400. You may choose from 45 classes of … At a minimum, applying to trademark a phrase that’s already in use will result in the loss of your submission fee. The fee is non-fundable, which means you will not be refunded the $75 filing fee if your mark is not approved for registration. If you have ever asked yourself how much does it cost to trademark a phrase, according to the current fee schedule on the USPTO, trademark registration fees cost $275 per mark per class. $250 per class of goods/services. A lawyer can assist with both of these issues. $400. Whether you would like to trademark words, a slogan, or a specific design, the process is relatively similar. They typically charge flat fees or hourly fees that average between $1,000 and $2,000.  Intent to Use trademark applications must go through the same process as traditional trademarks. File a copyright online in 3 easy steps. For assistance in filing a trademark for a phrase, please contact us. In order to trademark a phrase, you will have to spend between $275 to $1,000. This must be accompanied by a $100 fee. However, if you do business internationally, you may decide it's a good idea to register your trademark or service mark through the international trademark … If you have ever asked yourself how much does it cost to trademark a phrase, according to the current fee schedule on the USPTO, trademark registration fees cost … 5. Unlike trademark attorneys and searches, specific costs for USPTO filing fees are preset and don’t vary. How much a trademark should cost. The cost to trademark a phrase at our firm is a flat $650, and we’ll work to ensure your government registration fees are as low as possible. + government fee. See this page for a list of relevant USPTO trademark fees. When applying for a trade mark by another means from 1 July 2012 (for example by mail) the lower fee will … Cost; TM3: Trade mark application: £170: TM11: Trade mark renewal (one class) £200: TM11: Trade mark renewal (extra class) £50: TM7A: Notice of threatened opposition: no fee $250. You can trademark any of the following: You can also often trademark domain names. What Are the Attorney Fees for Trademarking a Phrase? 2. What Are the Filing Fees to Trademark a Phrase? In fact, the internet has made it easier than ever to market your trademarks in order … When registering your phrase for trademark protection with the USPTO, you must assign the specific goods/services, which are to be covered under the phrase AND the “Class” most appropriate to house these goods/services.  At this time you should also file a Section 15 Declaration for incontestability. The cost of attaining a trademark varies depending upon the filing basis selected, and which initial application form is used. A company could have a trademark name on a product or service, but not have acquired the domain name. This is an expression that becomes popular when a real or ficitonal character repeats it regularly. A service mark functions the same way as a trademark, for a service business. Beginning in 1988, trademark candidates’ trademarks no longer need prior use in commerce for an application to be submitted. However, the process can take up to three if there are legal issues to address. The major differences between use-based and intent-to-use applications are the fees and registration notice. If you need an attorney's assistance, the cost averages around $1,000 to $2,000. Each of these filing options have specific requirements that impact the fee … How Much Does it Cost to Trademark a Business Name July 31, 2017 Ufuoma Akpotaire The process of registering a trademark in Nigeria extends beyond the initial filing of the trademark. This isn’t to say that every applicant will pay the same price for their filing. Option 1: TEAS Plus. Though you can easily spend more than $1,000 for a profession search, at Mandour & Associates the cost of a trademark search is $300. Between five and six years after registration, you must file a Section 8. Although there might be slight distinctions between the purpose and definitions of a tagline, catchphrase, motto or slogan, they are all phrases or groups of words used to represent a business or brand. USPTO Trademark Fees. Trademark Lawyer Cost: Everything You Need To Know, How Much Does It Cost to Trademark a Name, an upfront $125 fee for additional class of goods or services, ability to receive further communications via email, option to pay $125 fee for additional class of goods or services later, fee for adding classes of goods and services, option to submit further application materials outside of the TEAS system, basic editing services for the application that you completed. It protects the owner against others duplicating or copying the name or product. Unfortunately, it is very easy to miss trademarks that will block your trademark application.  Slight mis-spelling and words with similar connotations are just two examples of how a conflicting trademarks can be missed. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. File a copyright online in 3 easy steps. Phone: (858) 487-9300 Click to Contact us, Phone: (949) 474-9330 Click to Contact us, Phone: (310) 656-3900 Click to Contact us, ©2018 – Mandour & Associates, APC – All Rights Reserved Aggressive Intellectual Property Litigators® – Trademark Attorneys – Patent Lawyers – Copyright Attorneys. The first step of the trademark processis conducting the trademark search, which will make sure that there are no conflicts with any other prior-existing trademarks or businesses. The fee to trademark a phrase starts at $275. Cost for USPTO Filing Fees Unlike trademark attorneys and searches, specific costs for USPTO filing fees are preset and don’t vary. Most attorneys also compile and submit the form on applicants' behalf. A trademark is distinct from a service mark, which identifies the unique source of the service. To do this, register your trademark under: A USPTO trademark can offer protection from the import of goods that infringe your trademark, though. Initial consultation: $100. It costs £200 for one class plus £50 for each additional class. Review the current fee schedule before submitting your application. We made it so easy and affordable to register a copyright. How Much Does it Cost to Trademark a Phrase. They typically charge hourly rates for this service. Share it with your network!  For more information, please see our how to trademark a phrase page. With the following information, however, you’ll be well on your way to securing trademark protection. If you see an infringer using your trademark to make money, n you can send a cease and desist letter. $69. If you’re using a phrase to advertise your company, it’s important that it also receive trademark protection. Most trademark attorneys also file maintenance paperwork and can help clients track the appropriate due dates. You can ask the owner of the phrase “Let’s get Ready to Rumble” who has made well over $400 million in licensing revenue according to ABC. You must submit a “clear drawing” of the mark (the logo or name/logo combination) that meets specific requirements. What Are the Legal Website Fees to Trademark a Phrase?  A trademark search can help avoid this. Hire the top business lawyers and save up to 60% on legal fees. Please Note: From 1 December 2012 the approved means for filing a new trade mark application is using online services, or by Business to Business (B2B) for approved businesses. How Much Does It Cost to Trademark a Phrase? Instead, you must enforce your rights. Trademarking a phrase is the same process as trademarking a slogan. $99. It’s something you want to do if you come up with something unique that … A trademark is a unique identifier of the source of a product. If you need an attorney’s assistance the cost to trademark a phrase averages between $1,000 – $2,000. This gives you nationwide trademark rights. The cost for Trademark registration would remain the same for any kind of mark that is needed to be registered, be it a slogan, a single word, a logo, an elaborated mark, etc. To summarize, the starting point in trademarking a phrase is to always start with a trademark search.  Once you know a likelihood of confusion wouldn’t occur with existing registrations, the TEAS portal is where you’ll handle the entire submission process. Your industries and other unique circumstances can affect the fees you’ll encounter while trademarking a phrase. Proof of use along with first-use affidavits must be included. When you trademark a phrase, you gain the exclusive rights to use the trademark for profit. Search for Similar Trademarks: Do a search in the USPTO Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) to confirm that no similar trademark already exists. This typically includes: Some legal websites offer the option to monitor news sources for mentions of your trademark. We serve the following localities: Los Angeles County, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Pasadena, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Burbank, Glendale, Malibu, Manhattan Beach, North Hollywood, Pacific Palisades, Redondo Beach, Whittier, Orange County, Laguna Niguel, Lake Forest, Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Mission Viejo, Newport Beach, Santa Ana, San Diego County, Carlsbad, Encinitas, La Jolla, Oceanside, and San Diego. When you file directly with the USPTO's Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS), you can choose from three basic options: All trademarks require maintenance fees to keep them active. $99. If you have ever asked yourself how much does it cost to trademark a phrase , according to the current fee schedule on the USPTO, trademark registration fees cost $2per mark per class. Trademarking a phrase doesn’t grant permanent rights to its exclusive use. Subsequent extensions (up to five, total) must be filed prior to a previous extension’s expiration. Apply to Trademark a Phrase: File your trademark application through the USPTO TEAS portal. No need to spend hours finding a lawyer, post a job and get custom quotes from experienced lawyers instantly. $330. Rather than being registered following the opposition period, registrations based on intent to use will receive a Notice of Allowance (NOA).

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